Una topografia della memoria: Praga e i suoi luoghi negli scritti autobiografici di alcuni emigrati russi
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Ключевые слова

Russian and Czech culture
Autobiographical reflections
Intercultural dialogue


Relationships between Russian and Czech culture developed in a particularly strong way in the interwar peri-­‐ od, after the arrival in Czechoslovakia of a large group of émigrés opposed to the Bolshevik regime. A major role was played by the autobiographical reflections written by the members of the intelligentsia, who were forced to operate in a new and different world from the one they were used to. One of the aims of the paper is to highlight some recurrent and distinctive features in the representation and evaluation of Prague in these autobiographical writings.

By taking into consideration some renowned writers (Mark Slonim, Marina Tsvetaeva), but also lesser known authors (Konstantin Chkheidze and Nikolai Terletskii) we come to the conclusion that they shared feelings of gratitude for a country they found to be, to different extents, a new homeland and that was praised for its ethnic and political open-­mindedness and for its capability of promoting intercultural dialogue.

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