Несколько наблюдений над стратегиями самонаписания в романе Булата Окуджавы Упраздненный театр
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Ключевые слова

autobiographic novel
narrative strategies


Bulat Okudzhavaʼs novel Uprazdnennyi Teatr [The Vacated Theatre] is often regarded as a source of autobiographical information. The article attempts to investigate the main strategies utilized by the poet, and relate these to the narrative features of Okudzhava’s text. The main narrative techniques, which define the reciprocal approach of the reader and the narrator and create the distance between them, are: the polyperspectivity of the narrative; its polytemporality and multifunctional use of verbs in the present tense; the questioning of language as instrument of expression; and the sophisticated system of intertextual linkages. Taken together, these narrative characteristics suggest that Okudzhavaʼs novel is no more of a documentary or historical account than his lyrical works are.

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Библиографические ссылки

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