Diaries in Twentieth-Century Russian Culture: Twenty-Five Years Later
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Aleksander Gladkov
Ivan Rozanov


This article is a sequel to the author’s previous piece Дневники в русской культуре начала ХХ века [Diaries in Twentieth-Century Russian Culture] (1990). During these years a lot of diaries appeared that were not known to anyone, and scholarly understandings of life-writing changed radically. First of all, we are obliged to understand the functions of the diary for its author. More and more often a diary becomes intended for an outside reader, as a work of fiction is. So scholars must distinguish between Dichtung [poetry] and Wahrheit [truth] in these works, as they do in addressing pure art.
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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Gladkov 2000: A.K. Gladkov, “Ia ne priznaiu istoriiu bez podrobnostei…” (Iz dnevnikovykh zapisei 1945–1973), pred. i publ. S.V. Shumikhina // In memoriam: Istoricheskii sbornik pamiati A.I. Dobkina, Feniks-Atheneum, Sankt-Peterburg; Parizh, 2000, s. 521–656.

Gladkov 2014: A.K. Gladkov, “Vsego ia i teper' ne ponimaiu”. Iz dnevnikov. 1940, publ. S.V. Shumikhina, «Nashe nasledie», 2014, 111, s. 116–129.

Kondratovich 1991: A. Kondratovich, Novomirskii dnevnik 1967–1970, Sovetskii pisatel', Moskva, 1991.

Lakshin 1991: V. Lakshin, Novyi mir vo vremena Khrushcheva: Dnevnik i poputnoe (1953–1964), Knizhnaia palata, Moskva, 1991.

Tvardovskii 2009: A. Tvardovskii, Novomirskii dnevnik, PROZAiK, Moskva, 2009, t. 1, 1961–1966.

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